Message from Principal

Dr S Srinivasan

Principal, Indian School Sur


“Education is not to reform students or amuse them or to make them expert technicians. It is to unsettle their minds, widen their horizons, inflame their intellects, and teach them to think straight, if possible.”
– Robert M. Hutchins

It is a matter of pride to Indian School Sur, which began its journey from a humble beginning to a full-fledged senior secondary school, is not an ordinary accomplishment. It results from the continuous hard work, foresightedness, endurance, and vision of its founders. It gives me immense pleasure to become a part of the journey of an upcoming world-class school, and I believe that success is not just about accomplishment for yourself but inspiring many others to dream and achieve.

The interactions with the teachers, students, and parents gave me the confidence that our students are not only excellent in academics but also equally good in sports and other co-curricular activities. The school is striving hard to inculcate strong values blended with academics and extra-curricular activities. We give importance to character development and personality enhancement and help them face the future with the right attitude towards life and work. Children have always been the most valuable asset for society, the nation, and the world. Let us all— parents, teachers and the community strive to make our children happy and enlightened human beings who can be perfect 21st-century learners.
I am always attracted to the thought that ‘home is the first school and school is the second home’. The parents are our biggest strength, support and confidence to move ahead. Their consistent support empowers us to do more and more. I pay my gratitude to them for their faith in us. I request all the parents to join our community and share their expertise for the upliftment of our school. We shall keep the triangle [Student, Teacher and Parent] intact, and together we can shape every child’s life and prepare them for the challenging roles in life.
As we say, every cloud has a silver lining; the pandemic gave us an extra edge to implement the latest education tools for the holistic development of students and teachers. Without much difficulty, we quickly switched from the conventional mode of education to the digital way of teaching. The transformation has been at a break-neck speed, and we moved much ahead in the digital transformation. With the support of parents and teachers, our students quickly adapted to the new situation, and we created an effective hybrid-style instructional learning environment. We have equipped ourselves to meet any future challenges that may come on our way.
I extend my acknowledgement to the stakeholders for their effort in bringing up this institution for the past 31 years. I am confident that the school will reach greater heights and mark its presence on the map of the world.
As Alfred Lord Tennyson said, “To strive, to seek, to find and not to yield” let us put in our united efforts as a team and not give up on any challenge that we may face to take Indian School Sur to greater heights.

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Contact us

Indian School Sur,
P.O. Box :158,
Postal code:411, Sur Sultanate of Oman