Ambassador visits Indian School Sur

His Excellency Shri Amit Narang, the Indian Ambassador to the Sultanate of Oman, visited Indian School Sur on December 21, 2021. The Ambassador was joined by Shri Praveen Kumar, Second Secretary – Commerce officer, and Shri Jayapal Manik Dethe, Second Secretary – Political and Information officer. The Ambassador was given a cordial welcome by the Principal, President, School Management Committee members, teachers and staff. In his presidential address, the Ambassador, Shri Amit Narang, raised his concern on how the pandemic in the last two years has affected almost all the fields, specifically the education sector. However, the teachers’ hard work, dedication, and determination have gone miles ahead to overcome the misery. The Ambassador said that the Indian community gives much importance to education, which has resulted in the progress of our country and the country we live and work in. The Ambassador further reiterated the importance of updating the latest technologies and innovations in education to cater to the need of the present generation. Dr S Srinivasan, Principal, Indian School Sur, welcomed his excellency and other dignitaries, followed by a video presentation depicting the triumph, challenges, and community services rendered by Indian School Sur for the last two years. The video featured a thorough run-through of the entire transformation Indian School Sur has undergone over the years. Mr Mohammed Ameen, President School Management Committee, addressed the gathering and recalled how Indian school Sur, which was once stereotyped as an interior school, has emerged as one of the top Indian schools in Oman. He emphasised that it was due to the hard work, perseverance and constant motivation of the Principal and the support of the teachers. Mr Mohammed Ameen concluded his address by expressing his gratitude to Ambassador Shri Amit Narang for the official visit. The teachers and school management committee had an excellent opportunity to interact with the Ambassador. Many significant questions were raised, such as the need for a skill/vocational training college for Indians in Oman, reducing the effect of climate change, the inclusion of the Fit India Movement to international students, motivating students to various professions and how to tackle the financial stress faced by the expatriates in Oman. The Ambassador patiently listened to all the queries and clarified every question. Mr Pradeep Kumar, a member of the School Management Committee, raised a very pertinent question regarding the high medical expenses the expatriate community are paying and what can be done to reduce the burden. Mr Pradeep stressed the importance of a unified Insurance system that could take care of the medical expenses of the Indian expatriates. In reply to his question, the Ambassador said it is a matter of great concern and he assured to look into the matter. It was an inordinately enlightening interaction between the teachers, Principal and School Management Committee members with the Ambassador. A Memento and a pencil caricature of the Ambassador drawn by Mr. Shyam Sarath, the Art teacher at Indian School Sur, was presented as a token of love and appreciation. The meeting ended with the vote of thanks proposed by TP Saeed, Treasurer, School Management Committee, Indian School Sur.
Contact us
Indian School Sur,
P.O. Box :158,
Postal code:411, Sur Sultanate of Oman