World Mental Health Day Celebration

World Mental Health Day focuses on raising awareness about mental health issues and promoting mental well-being. In schools, this day often involves activities aimed at educating students, staff, and parents about mental health, reducing stigma, and providing support. The Mental Health Day celebration aimed to raise awareness about mental health issues, promote self-care, and foster a supportive community. The Indian school Sur celebrated world mental health day as mental health awareness week started from 3rd to 10th October. The event brought together students from different grades to engage in activities designed to educate and inspire.
Kindness doesn’t just help other people, but it also improves our own physical and mental health. Whether we’re giving kindness, receiving kindness or even just witnessing kindness, it can have a great effect on us, when we experience kindness, a hormone called dopamine is released in our brain which gives us a feeling of elevation – it’s often referred to as ‘Helper’s High’. Kindness can also improve relationships.
As part of world mental health day, the kindergarten students of Indian school sur, performed simple acts of kindness to support their peers’ mental well-being and to establish empathy towards others.
Brain games to boost executive functioning skills:
As today children are spending most of their time in front of gadgets, the counsellor has conducted a small session on “Say A big No to Screen time and let’s play some brain games”. The students of grade 1,3 &4 were given different games like puzzles, blocks, sorting, beading and jungas. The aim of the activity was to incorporate these games into children routine which will improve executive functioning skills enjoyable and effective.
Grade 2 children were given an activity called rain bow of emotions where children were asked to draw their emotions using colours. It can help them express how they feel when words aren’t enough. It encourages self-awareness and creativity, making it easier to understand and share feelings. Engaging in mental health activities can equip children with the social and emotional skills they need, setting the foundation for a healthier, more resilient future.
As part of world mental health day, poster making competition was held for grade 5-12 children. the purpose of the poster making was to raise awareness about mental health and promote self-care. Amina azwin Mujeeb from grade 9A and minha from 7B won 1st and 2nd opposition. The posters were displayed on the stage.
The CBSE representatives of peer leadership program Mst.Srihari Pradeep, Ms.Harshitha Choudhary, Ms.Vaishnavi & Ms.Harshini conducted sessions on importance of mental health for grade 9-12 students in different slots. In the session, the children explained that raising awareness among their peers helps combat the stigma associated with mental health issues. Education can shift perceptions, encouraging students to seek help without fear of judgment. They also mentioned that It’s important to recognize common signs of mental health issues, such as persistent sadness, withdrawal from activities, changes in appetite or sleep, and difficulty concentrating. Encouraging students to reach out for help—whether through school counselling, support groupset Early intervention often leads to better outcomes. Building a supportive community can make a significant difference. Friends, family, and peers can provide vital emotional support and encouragement. They concluded the session by saying that promoting self-care practices, such as mindfulness, exercise, and maintaining social connections, can help improve mental well-being.
As part of world mental health day, on 10th October 2024, the school assembly was performed on the same theme. Children were presented a conversation emphasising the importance of celebrating world mental health day. Mst.Aryan Bhatia of 10B explained the importance of breathing exercise and demonstrated breathing exercise to school during the assembly. The aim of the practice was to teach all the children mindfulness like breathing exercise. Mst Aryan Bhatia stated that Deep breathing techniques have been found to be effective in helping individuals cope with levels of stress and improve well-being. Regularly practicing breathing techniques can help you feel connected to your body, driving your awareness away from the worries racing through your mind.
Promoting child and adolescent mental health is a priority recognized globally. The World Health Organization (WHO) emphasizes that policies, nurturing care from caregivers, school-based programs, and quality community environments play pivotal roles in fostering mental well-being in young individuals. Engaging in mental health activities can equip children with the social and emotional skills they need, setting the foundation for a healthier, more resilient future.
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Indian School Sur,
P.O. Box :158,
Postal code:411, Sur Sultanate of Oman